Motion Graphics in Final Cut Studio 2 – Peachpit 2007

This title was an interesting challenge. As the title suggests, the entire suite of tools was covered in the category of motion graphics and effects. I re-purposed illustrations from the other covers for the various products, and interjected graphics for LiveType using the “a” frame sequence descending over the Final Cut portion of the illustration.

What was interesting about this re-purposing the compositions was that i was able to play with the idea of overlapping the previous illustrations. I could include/exclude portions of them to tailor the focus of the book. The idea of using the Suite in concert to accomplish a given task is an intriguing concept. Extending trimming and overlapping the backplanes of the individual illustrations helped to blur the boundaries of the tools, and indicate versatility of the suite for creating graphics and visual effects.

Main book covers assembled left to right:

Completed spring 2007.

Apple Pro Training Series:
Motion Graphics and Effects in Final Cut Studio 2
ISBN: 0321509404
April 2007