Aperture 2 – Peachpit 2008

The first major revision to the Aperture cover for Aperture 2.0.

For this version of the book, I was trying to illustrate the speed of use and the flow of vast amounts of imagery. The eliptical “slices” across the image cross reference different centers of activity, connections across focus points, grouping without concern for origin, one of the great enabling workflow concepts brought to reality in the Aperture interface.

There is a “spray” of images that originate on the right-hand side of the composition as if pouring images into the realm of the interface. Framing takes place around a particular point of interest and circuitous paths orbit around the focal point of the composition, as traces of viewers interest in a group of imagery.

This illustration spawned a brief bit of intrigue on an Aperture blog where the author of the blog, Steve Simon, speculated about the meaning of the illustration. The comments that were posted were remarkably insightful, and inspiring.

Completed early spring 2008.

Apple Pro Training Series:
Aperture 2
ISBN: 0321539931
March 2008